About Us

The “Convenience Store” concept originally evolved from the traditional corner Milk bar/Mixed Business concept. These stores catered for the needs of local residents who visited them as a matter of need, in the era of restricted trading hours imposed on the supermarket chains. Since the deregulation of supermarket trading hours, the corner store almost dwindled away from the retail landscape.

This concept was revived and improved by Mr. Jamal Gebara who saw an opportunity whilst working in the Insurance industry in 1988. With an improved shop layout design, product range, customer service and competitive sourcing of products in mind, Mr. Gebara successfully established and operated seven new stores in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney.

As the main business districts across Australia’s Capital Cities continued to grow rapidly, it was only a matter of time before the need for 24h convenience shops were to be part of the landscape. The company aggressively secured all of the key strategic locations for its stores, and in the space of 15 years successfully developed over 180 stores in Australia.

In a maturing market, City Convenience Store has kept its essence drawn from its unique entrepreneurial spirit, which characterised its fantastic growth over the past 15 years. Today, the company is capitalising on the challenges that an ever changing market presents, by adapting new market dynamics making it a force to count on in the retail industry. The City Convenience Group now develops 3 categories of stores, successfully maximising its consumer reach - the traditional outlet; ‘City Convenience Store’, a specialty outlet tailored to a niche market and primarily located in hotel lobbies; ‘City Essentials’ and more recently the boutique supermarket outlet; ‘City Supermarkets’.

City Convenience Group is today well prepared to grasp any future opportunities and maintain its market edge against increasing competition from the larger retail chains such as Woolworths and Coles Supermarkets.

Jamal Gebara
‘The King of Convenience’